Open SDGclub.Berlinis an international conference at which participants can share their initial experience with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its global Sustainable Development Goals. It is initiated in 2016 by The German Council for Sustainable Development(RNE) as a non-exclusive international exchange platform of sustainable development practitioners. Open SDGclub.Berlinis an invitation only event for experts known for their contributions to sustainability and Dr Hudai Kara is the only sustainability expert from Turkey having this invitation. Known for his contributions to life cycle management and databases, Dr Kara is currently leading the implementation of Turkish Sustainability Codein Turkey.
Open Open SDGclub.Berlinwill take place from 7 to 9 May 2019 in Berlin, Germany.
Commenting on the invitation, Dr Kara said “I am delighted to be part of the discussions how to implement the Sustainable Development Goals in Germany and beyond and also proud to be representing Turkey in this important event. The invitation is the reflection of our achievements in sustainability in Turkey and beyond. Without the dedication and professionalism of my team such successes were not possible.”
The Open SDGclub.Berlin is an interactive practitioners’ meeting in multi-stakeholder format. It brings together participants from diverse subnational, national and international contexts, coming from: SDG-Councils or similar bodies, multi-stakeholder bodies and processes, civil society networks, business, local communities, academia, all linked by own experience in implementing the 2030 Agenda at different governance (subnational, national, international) levels. The meeting will allow for debate and mutual learning about practical experiences made, challenges faced, opportunities found and for sharing and developing ideas to further bringing forward the 2030 Agenda goals and principles.
In 2015 the United Nations ratified the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a milestone in international and national politics. The signatory countries will strive to attain by 2030 a world without hunger and poverty, with more fairness, an intact environment, clean drinking water and good working conditions for all. Implementation at national level and discourse on experiences at multinational level are needed. Facilitating these aims are the key task of the German Council for Sustainable Development.
Turkish Sustainability Codeis the new framework for non-financial reporting in Turkey based on 20 criteria in four main categories and Global Reporting Initiative Key Performance Indicatorsand financial indicators from European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies. The Code is currently being implemented, reflecting the challenges and issues businesses are facing today in Turkey.