The Sustainability Code is coming to Turkey 

The Sustainability Code is coming to Turkey 

Turkey is about to become the third country with a national Sustainability Code. The Turkish Sustainability Code, developed in collaboration with the German Sustainability Code (DNK), was announced at the Sustainability Outlook 2019 conference in Athens on 5th April 2019. Dr. Hüdai Kara and Julia Graner, Director and Manager of the Turkish Sustainability Code project, respectively, attended the conference to represent the Turkey. The Sustainability Code, a reporting standard introduced by the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) in 2010, is open to independent, country-specific adaptations. According to the RNE, further EU and global parties are interested in the experiences with the Sustainability Code and its options for national adoption along with Turkey who is at an advanced stage of adaption and implementation. Adaption of the Turkish Sustainability Code was agreed at the […]